- Formulario de Visa lleno y debidamente completado a máquina o en letra de molde legible.
- Carta de Solicitud dirigida a la oficina consular por el interesado o su representante, solicitando la visa de estudiante, indicando nombre y nacionalidad.
- Una (1) fotografía tamaño 2 x 2 pulgadas, de frente y con fondo blanco. (Tipo Pasaporte)
- Pasaporte Original debe tener una vigencia mínima de dieciocho (18) meses.
- Acta de Nacimiento del interesado Apostillada, por la Secretaria de Estado.
- Carta Médica de que el peticionario no posee enfermedades infectocontagiosas y que está apto para estudios, firmado por el médico u hospital.
- Fotocopia legible del Documento Nacional de Identificación (licencia de conducir) y copia de la Tarjeta de Residencia, si reside en un segundo país.
- Certificado de No Antecedentes Penales emitido por el FBI (No requerido para menores de edad) este certificado es válido por 6 meses desde la fecha de emisión) y certificados de los países en los que haya residido en los últimos 5 años, debidamente legalizado o apostillado, por la Secretaria de Estado, según corresponda.
- Document that supports the intention to study in the Dominican Republic at a study center recognized by the Dominican state. .
- New university admission:
- Bachelor's Certificate or its equivalent, duly legalized or apostilled as appropriate.n
- Transcript (if coming from a country that issues it).n
- Religious:
- Request letter from the highest-ranking superior in their church, indicating that they are coming to pursue religious/theological studies within their recognized congregation in the country. Apostilled.n
- Internship:
- Copy of the agreement between the foreign study center and the Dominican institution. If written in a language other than Spanish, it must be translated, legalized, or apostilled as appropriate.n
- Exchange Program Students: Certification of the program they belong to and acceptance letter from the educational center where they will be studying in the Dominican Republic.
- Financial support of the person covering the studies can be demonstrated in one of these ways
- Parents or Guardians
- Document accrediting the scholarship from the institution covering the studies.n
These documents should specify the amount of financial support or the scholarship granted, as well as the duration for which it has been provided. In both cases, this evidence must be on letterhead and certified by the corresponding institution, legalized or apostilled as appropriate.nn
- Authorization from parents or legal guardian, when it is a minor and the applicant is not the father or mother. In this case, the parent not in the Dominican Republic must express consent for the other parent to take the minor to live in the Dominican Republic.
- National Identity Document f the country of nationality or Residence Card if residing in a second country (copies).n
- Financial solvency, which can be demonstrated by one or more of these
- Bank letter
- Work Letter
- Title deeds
- Include a pre-paid (properly stamped) and self-addressed (with your address) envelope to send your documents to the Dominican Consulate in California. 500 North Brand Blvd. Suite #960. Glendale, CA. 91203. (It is recommended that the envelope contains a tracking number). You can use UPS, DHL, USPS services. (We are not responsible for shipping payments).
Do not buy a travel ticket until you are informed if your visa has been approved.
Having completed all the requirements required above does not mean visa approval, but indicates that the consulate can accept your request, evaluate it and send it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who will issue the final decision.
Once in Dominican territory, they have a period of 30 days to appear before the General Directorate of Migration (DGM) to formalize the procedures of their residence, visas or temporary permit, having to complete the additional requirements that it requires according to the Regulation of application of General Migration Law No. 285.
The cost of this service is not refundable.
The documents can only be translated by the Dominican Consulate
- Completed Visa Application Form, filled out either by typewriter or in legible block letters. Available at consular office premises or on the service portal (Click Here).
- One (1) 2x2 inch photograph, front view with a white background (Passport Type).n
- Pasaporte original con una vigencia mínima igual o mayor al tiempo de duración de la visa solicitada
- Certificate from the University or Study Center certifying that the applicant is enrolled. This document must specify the level of studies.n
- Certificate from the University or Study Center certifying that the applicant is enrolled. This document must specify the level of studies.n
- Legible photocopy of the Student Document (ID card).n
- Request letter addressed to the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the consular office, signed by the applicant or their representative, requesting the student visa, indicating name and nationality.n
- Original, expired or valid DGM Card, issued by the General Directorate of Migration as per Article 81, paragraph (g), on the stay of non-resident foreigners in national territory.n
- Legible photocopy of other documents issued by public or private institutions in the Dominican Republic, (e.g., driver's license, ID card, medical insurance, study center card, recreational club membership, etc.)n
- Cheque certificado o giro postal (“money order”) a nombre del Consulado Dominicano en CA